5 frame nuks spring 2024 keep the box
These 5 frame nucs of bees and brood with fresh 2024 queens can be selected and picked up at our Oregon farm in April or May. We will be on hand on pickup day to demonstrate how to install the nucs into your waiting hives when you get them home, and to personally help you discuss equipment and management needs. The nuk price includes the nuk box this year, since everyone wanted to keep them.
A nuc hive is, in our opinion, the best way to start a new colony. Easy to transport to your location. And full of growing bees! I will contact you about your order and pick up details.
If you are part of a club, coordinate with other members to pickup. If there are enough orders, then I can deliver.
Sorry, we don't ship bees or sell queens. I will contact you by phone to run thru the details of where and when to pick up.